Earlier this year my siblings and I entered into a small competition. We decided to put a little ice cream wager on the NCAA tournament. I was a little nervous that I would be the one buying the ice cream because I was sitting in last place throughout most of the tournament, but I'm happy to report that in the end I pulled out a third place win! Luckily we had the perfect location for the ice cream payoff since Kristy and Alan wanted to show off their newly purchased home....and newly buldging baby belly!!!! We had a great time and here are a few (million) pictures to prove it.
Kristy's tiny little growing baby.

Pre-party fun!!

We had a toe bleeder, but there were no bandaids to be found in the new house...so we had to improvise...

Step 1: Rip small piece of paper towel

Step 2: Wet the paper towel for better adhesion.

Step 3: Apply makeshift bandaid (I know...not so sanitary, but it worked)!!

While the boys were doing this...

The girls were doing this!!!

I taught my nephews a new trick...(a skill I'm sure their mommy wasn't ready for them to have yet).

and then they had to try it out on me!!!

We finished the night with a little bit of BOX OLYMPICS!
Every successful jump allowed for an additional box on the stack.
It's too bad we weren't there. :( Guess we need to move to Utah. Are you going to come and visit us still?
Fun night. Admittedly I bought the ice cream and it was yummy(at least my team still made it to the championship despite that loss). Glad to see you all.
I'm just catching up on the blog world which leads to a little blog stalking, and I found yours. I love comments more than anything so I figured I should leave you one.
Minds, I love the one about your country line dancing! I almost peed my pants reading it. Hey, Im coming to Utah, and I want to see you! I will email you.
Of course you would be the Aunt to teach the boys a trick like that :). Just wanted to say hi!!!
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