Saturday, September 11, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Wasatch Back 2010
My first run happened about 7am Friday morning and was a 5.1 mile leg. Above is a picture of me awaiting my team member (you can see him approaching in the distance).
In this picture my teammates are cheering me from the sidelines in an effort to get me to explode off the starting line, but as you can see I was having some trouble multi-tasking. Apparently, I can't run and put a watch on simultaneously.
And then I was off and running (looks like I'm gasping for air in this picture)!!!
Once our first 6 runners ran, we handed off to the second van and our next 6 runners had a turn. In the mean time, our van went to Subway for lunch and just lounged around waiting our turn to start running again.
I think we all felt refreshed! Here are my van members bright and early Saturday morning loading up the van (we were required to wear reflective vests from dusk til dawn).
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Summer of Races!
I'm counting down the days until my first bike race ever!!! I would say my first race ever, but I once got tricked into running the Turkey Trot...SARA!
Anyway, I've been very excited about getting into biking. And very excited about this race on Saturday. Unfortunately, as I was getting all geared up for it (having my bike adjusted at a bike shop) I learned that this is actually a "ride" and not a "race." Funny.
The good news is that I WILL be racing in a few more weeks.....running in the Wasatch Back Ragnar Relay. (more on that when it gets here).
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Love this!
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Happy Birthday Mom!!

Dear Mom,
Do you remember the time I came home from high school and caught you rocking out in front of the stereo all by yourself? I think you were perfecting your signature "figure 8" dance moves (which by the way you taught me well)!!
Or how about the time you asked for a bean burrito, B-E-E-N!
Or the quarter-twist (that's all I'm gonna say about that one)! :)
Or the time you were in a huge huge hurry and asked me to grab your newly purchased nylons off the stairs so that you could quickly finish getting ready, and I quietly snuck the nylons out of the plastic egg container, replaced the egg in the box, and handed it too you! Oh the desperation in your voice and the look on your face when you thought you had ripped off by Leggs...priceless!
Then there was the time you surprised me and flew up for my birthday just to make sure it was a great one.
And the time you endlessly sacrificed to make sure your children were happy, healthy, and loved.
But not only that, you also sacrificed for so many other people and went out of your way to help people in ways that they could not help themselves...HOTEL NORRIS is probably the best example of this (I can think of at least 7 strangers/friends who experienced a warm roof over their heads as a result)!
The list could go on and on, but mostly I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday and remind you how much you are loved!!
Love you Mom!!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Blast from the Past
