Monday, December 15, 2008

Ho Ho Man

I was recently called to the activities committee in my new ward and quickly given the assignment for our ward Sub for Santa. In an effort to rally the troops, I sent a sign-up sheet around church so that people could volunteer to help with the shopping and had a pretty good response. Unfortunately, when I called all those that signed up, everyone (except one girl) bailed on me. I begged my roommate to come along and help so that the shoppping wouldn't take forever. Even though our numbers were small, we acutally had a great time buying presents for a family of 6girls.

Tonight we got to deliver the presents we purchased. We showed up to a humble home and were greeted by 6 smiling faces. The littlest girl (she was about 3)was dancing around the room with excitement. She told us all her favorite things about Christmas. She was smiling and I was too, especially when she pointed to Santa and said, "Ho Ho Man!"

Hooray for Christmas and getting to spread some Christmas cheer this season.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Can't think of Santa the same way...he'll always be the Ho Ho Man to me.