Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Secret Sauce

A conversation I overheard between two friends in the locker room at the gym:
*the names have been changed to protect the innocent (actually, truth be told...I don't even know them).

Heba: Oh no!! I forgot my plastic wrap!!

Linda: Your plastic wrap...what is that?

Heba: The thing I wear around my stomach to help me get flatter abs. If I wear it while I work
out, I sweat off the fat around my mid-section.

Linda: You know that doesn't work right?

Heba: But I think it has been working.

Linda: hmmm...well if it makes you feel better.

...overhearing this made me smile on the inside...and on the outside too!


Rangi said...

That is hilarious, and that is why we are kindred spirits because I love overhearing other peoples funny conversations too! I am so sorry about my phone, I am a retarded cel phone owner, I forgot the charger and I knew it was going to die I just hoped it would make it through saturday, apparently it didn't. I kept watching for you at the reception, but I am so sorry about my dumb phone owning self! We will for sure be there the whole week of Thanksgiving so maybe I can catch you before you leave to visit your own family. Sara

ashlee said...

Love that story! I think I might wrap myself in plastic wrap tomorrow...it's worth a try. I am just impressed that you were at the gym to begin with...a place I have long forgotten...hence the plastic wrap idea! Thanks for a good laugh

Natalie Black said...

Mindy you have a blog! I loved the story. So I got an email about powder puff that I'll forward to you. You have to play! See ya soon.