Tuesday, June 9, 2009


This morning, as I was driving out of my neighborhood, I noticed the beautiful flower landscapes all around me and it took me back to my high school days. I remembered a time (shortly after I got my license) when my friend and I were out cruising on a Saturday morning. I don't actually remember why we driving around, but it was probably about 11:30 am and we decided that, since we were in the neighborhood, we would stop and say, "hi" to my church leader who happened to be out planting flowers in her front yard. We arrived just as she had planted her last flower (lucky for us so we didn't have to help)! The flowers were gorgeous in bright colors and they perfectly lined the side of her driveway. We had a great visit...we were glad we stopped by, she was glad we stopped by, good feelings were flowing all around, etc... That was until I crazily reversed out of her driveway, swerve a little too far to the right, and created a nice HUGE tire track through about a 2 foot section of her newly planted flowers. OOPS!

I probably shouldn't mention the time my friends and I accidentally spilled a tiny bit of red nail polish on the nice bright white floor of my other leader's house.