Here's how it works:
1. Buy mulitple packages of colored cornstarch.
2. Push yourself through the crowd to find the right location.
3. Try not to lose your friends as you move through the masses of people.
4. Wait for the appointed time.
5. Begin throwing colored cornstarch at friends and strangers alike.
It was seriously hilarious and slightly painful....only because I was suffocating and I couldn't find fresh air in any direction. I probably have purple lung now (I know my clothes were permanently altered...even down to the inner layer)!!!

We had a great time! Seconds before this picture was taken, someone unexpectedly threw yellow cornstarch right in my eye. I managed to smile for the picture, but right after this I could barely keep my eye open and the worst part was that I didn't have a clean anything (finger, shirt, tissue..) to wipe the cornstarch out of my eye. 

YIKES!!! That sounds intense. Wish I would have been there sounds fun too, WHY??? What is the purpose of the color celebration? Sara
Opps! That "someone" was me. I hope the temporary jaundice didn't ruin it for the whole trip. Did the eye drops help?
I've always wanted to go to sister, Brooke, and her friends were there and said it was crazy! I will remember goggles if I ever make way down there!
Why did we never think of colored cornstarch when WE were roomates? I thought I didn't have any regrets from college, well, now I do. :)
Mindy the Turkey trot almost made it into my post, that is my BEST race memory ever! Sara
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