Sunday, November 8, 2009

So You Think You Can Dance!!

Last night some friends and I got to see SYTYCD in action and we decided to do it in style. Thank you Walmart for providing such entertaining shirts and Michaels for the lettering on the back.
We had to alter the shirts a little to make them fit (Walmart only had few larges and extra larges), but thanks to my roommate's sewing machine and some awesome iron on letters, we were able to come up with this. Each of us took a word from the title of the show...I was "can" (just in case you didn't recognize me from the back)!

I snapped a shot of the stage before it all got started...I was hoping it would look a little cooler.
And although you can tell from our faces in this picture...we were had a great time. Stay posted for my favorite dance of the night!!


Cari said...

Cool shirts! Looks like it was super fun!

ashlee said...

LOVE the shirts! It looks like a fun night out! Was the dancing good?? Well, it's great to keep up with your latest...keep the posts coming!

Sheralyn said...

Fun! I'm jealous! Love that show!