Thursday, October 29, 2009

Wedding Bliss

My roommate Allyson got married October 22. I took the day off work so that I could enjoy the festivities. Here are a few pictures from the event!

Carrie, Kaylin, Melissa, and I snuck out at half-time to go get a little snack. There is an excellent waffle place downtown that I would HIGHLY recommend, except that I can't remember the name of it right now.

I was hoping for more of a cake-smear, but they were too nice.

Congrats you guys!!! (p.s. what is up with my pupils in this picture?).

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Can't get enough...

of this cute little guy!!! My sister Kristy had her first child on October 15, 2009. He weighed in at 7 lbs. 6 oz and I think he was 20 inches long (is that bad that I don't remember anymore? HA!).
He is a pretty content baby. Mommy and baby are doing well! Introducing Tanner!

A bridal shower of a different kind!

My roommates love to party and do a pretty good job of it too! My roommate Allyson got married a week ago, but before she did we had to send her out in style.

This seems like a strange idea for a bridal shower, I know, but Allyson was given a few options and this was the one she liked best. I think it turned out pretty good.

Here is the gang!

There were even fake teeth at each place setting on the table. Melissa and I decided to glame it up with our teeth!!

These eyeballs might have been my favorite part...thank you Martha Stewart!!!

The bread sticks were tasty too...notice the fake teeth in the cup.

Some creepy decor.

and the guest of honor! Way to go Allyson!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Denver Baby!!!

I just got back from a fun weekend in Denver and thought I would share some of the pictures and memories. My friend Paul moved out there a while back and recently became a homeowner. In an effort to show off his homemaking skills, he invited some friends and me out to visit. Orignially there were 6 of us who bought plane tickets, but in the end only 3 made it on the plane. (I know you are dying to hear what happened to the others, so here goes...2 of them were dating, but broke up a couple weeks ago and didn't want to suffer in front of us and 1 of them couldn't risk failing an upcoming test for his MBA program). I was a little sad when I found out they weren't coming, but turns out we had the time of our lives.

Nate and I flew in together and Claire joined us a hour later from New Mexico. We drove around Denver and then stopped at a fun little Italian joint called Pasquini's for dinner. The food was delicious and the company was hilarious.

Nate was a little sleepy after waking up at 5am that morning and staying so up late (this picture was taken probably close to 1am). The girls had the upper wing of the house and the boys were down in the basement, so Paul had to carry Nate downstairs! Okay, not really, but he was very hard to wake up.

Here is the crew!!

I was able to add another temple to "The List of Temple's I've Attended." Denver was a great one.

It had snowed the night before and was bitter cold that day.

After the temple, my friend Nate talked us into trying to find his grandparents' grave (I know this is really sounding like weird activities to do on a vacation, but I think I laughed non-stop this weekend- except in the temple, of course...or maybe just a couple laughs)! When we were leaving the cemetery we saw this headstone and had to take a picture in honor "Uncle Chuck Norris." (I hope it isn't bad to jokingly take a picture of a stranger's headstone).

Paul's roommate used to be a little bit wild and has a few marks left behind to prove it. Paul had tried to explain this tatoo to me over the phone, but I could not picture it. I had to take a picture, so that when I told people about it I could just show them (even though I am not such a fan of tatoos).

Here was are striking a few poses right before we headed off to the airport.

Turns out we ran into an old friend from the ward we were all once in. Love Denver!!!

Can't wait to go back!!!