This is my roommate Allyson and me waiting to board the plane to England. It wasn't a direct flight, so I'm not sure if this is us in our airport at home or us waiting in Texas...either way we were waiting.
Now we jump ahead about 14 hours. We landed in London about 7am England time..about midnight SLC time. I have the unfortunate gift of not being able sleep on planes, so I just sat there like an insomniac watching my roommates get their beauty rest (actually, I don't think they slept that well either). At any rate, we landed, made it to our hostel and then set right off on our first adventure. The streets in London are not set up as conveniently as SLC, so this is a picture of us feeling totally lost, SUPER tired, but excited to naviagate our way through the city.
This was the ride back to our hostel after a long day....I think I literally feel asleep the second after this picture was taken. My roommate has proof of it on her camera, but I didn't post'll just have to take my word for it.
Here is Stonehenge...I was FREEZING!!
Everyone says it is just a pile of rocks...which is true, but when we drove in and I caught my first glimpse of it, I was totally AMAZED. It almost took my breath away...and then once I caught my breath it just became a pile of rocks (apparently I go through my emotions quickly).

We had a few near misses on this trip and the city of Bath was one of these. We got stuck in a little bit of traffic on our way to Bath (dang roundabouts...I think there is a misconception that roundabouts speed things up, but I would have to disagree) and showed up in the city right at 5pm. The place had pretty much shut down and I was SAD because this place is BEAUTIFUL. I think I could have spent a whole week here. Anyway, we did get to eat at Sally Lunn's restaurant, the oldest house in bath. The food was ok...slightly flavorless, but I guess that is how the English like it (is that too much of a generalization).
We were able to see several different castles throughout the country. Some still had structural integrity and others were just crumbled remains, but it nice to see them all. This is Warrick Castle.
I got to try shooting an arrow...I am proud to report that my arrow made it on the white part of the target. So what if my roommate's arrows actually reached the target, people cheered louder for me (oh wait, does that mean they felt sorry for me?).
They had a live catapult demonstration. Back in the day, when the catapult was actually in use, they had blind men run in the bottom wheels of the machine. Apparently people with vision get too dizzy if they run for extended periods of time because of the intermittent light that comes through the slats of the wheels.
This next picture is also just slightly out of order, but my roommate was having trouble getting our car into the stall on the ferry ride over to the Isle of Mann. After a few tries the worker finally just let her park as is. She is standing where our car should have been.
We departed on the ferry from Liverpool...home of the Beatles. It was fun to roam Liverpool.
We tried out a pub in Liverpool. My roommates got fish and chips there, but I was too scared... and when it was all said and done I was grateful I didn't get any. At this particular pub, they left the skin on the fish and just battered and deep fried it that way. YUCK!!! My roommate Kaylin, in the picture below, was not bothered by the skin...Melissa on the other hand could barely get it down (what kind of weak-sauce American's are we?). (oops i just deleted the picture for this caption and I can't get it back...picture my roommate holding up a deep fried fish with skin on it)!!

After a two hour ferry ride on the Mannanan (a very spiffy ferry I might add) we landed on the Isle of Mann. We stayed with some people that Carrie knew from her mission and they were so so so good to us. They showed us around town and fed us exciting food like fried Mars candy bars.

View from the car window.
There is a very famous motorcycle race that happens every year on the Isle of Mann called the TT or Tourist Trophy race. The motorcyclists race around the entire Island (about 38 miles) in approximately 11 minutes. They are easily going speeds of 200 miles per hour (so I'm told) and every year (without fail) at least one person dies in the race. This year one person died and another was critically injured...and sadly we missed it all by just one week (makes it sound like I wanted to see someone die...I'm glad I missed that, but it would have been fun to see the motorcycles cruising at top speed)!
The bought us Kippers! I was not adventurous enough to try them either since they smelled so NASTY (anyone noticing that fish isn't my thing). I think my roommate's faces say it all.

After we left the Isle of Mann, we headed to the Lake District and a cute little family was kind enough to let crash on their floor. We had planned on sleeping on the floor that night (no biggie), but we had no no no idea what we had signed up for. When we got to the house the carpeted floors were slightly damp (ok, we thought, we can just put blankets down and again no big deal). Unfortunately, we didn't bring any blankets with us (I did have one EuroCozy, but it was packed away deep our car. We had consolidated our belongings into one bag for the night because we didn't want to over-take their small home with all our stuff). They offerred us all that they had, which was one child-sized blanket and two love seat covers (Yikes, this was getting worse by the minute, but still managable). The husband wished us goodnight (his family was already sleeping) and headed off to bed. He returned a moment later because he had forgotten to tell us about the slugs they sometimes get in their house (he was so casual about the whole thing that I really thought that by "sometimes" he meant like five years ago it happened once. NO, he accidentally said "sometimes" when what he meant to say was ALWAYS!!!!!
After a two hour ferry ride on the Mannanan (a very spiffy ferry I might add) we landed on the Isle of Mann. We stayed with some people that Carrie knew from her mission and they were so so so good to us. They showed us around town and fed us exciting food like fried Mars candy bars.
View from the car window.
After we left the Isle of Mann, we headed to the Lake District and a cute little family was kind enough to let crash on their floor. We had planned on sleeping on the floor that night (no biggie), but we had no no no idea what we had signed up for. When we got to the house the carpeted floors were slightly damp (ok, we thought, we can just put blankets down and again no big deal). Unfortunately, we didn't bring any blankets with us (I did have one EuroCozy, but it was packed away deep our car. We had consolidated our belongings into one bag for the night because we didn't want to over-take their small home with all our stuff). They offerred us all that they had, which was one child-sized blanket and two love seat covers (Yikes, this was getting worse by the minute, but still managable). The husband wished us goodnight (his family was already sleeping) and headed off to bed. He returned a moment later because he had forgotten to tell us about the slugs they sometimes get in their house (he was so casual about the whole thing that I really thought that by "sometimes" he meant like five years ago it happened once. NO, he accidentally said "sometimes" when what he meant to say was ALWAYS!!!!!
Here is a picture of me using my clothing as a blanket.. it was a LONG, cold night!!!!
....because these NASTY things were creeping all around me!!!!!
This pictures shows some of the emotion we felt when we discovered the slugs! I still cringe just looking at that picture.

They creeped around all night long and when we woke up in the morning there were slug tracks EVERYWHERE!!! (I forgot to mention that my roommates moved their "blanket" into the other room under the kitchen table and I decided to try my luck in the slug room on the loveseat ).
Very sleepily we headed North the next morning to the top of England, Carlise to be exact. This is us eating dinner on the grocery store lawn. We decided it would be cheaper to keep food in a cooler and eat it rather than eating out at a restaurant every meal. I'll have to post our "Hot Mustard Challenge" video soon (just picture me with fire coming out of my mouth... and nose, and that's almost as good as the video)!!

These are some beautiful gardens at Castle Howard in York (I think). We headed here after attending church in Leeds.

Recognize this is in the first Harry Potter movie (at least that is what my roommates claim. I went to see the first Harry movie on opening night at midnight, slept through the whole thing and have never seen another one since....I liked the books though).

My face does not let on to just how STINKY this phone booth is... (I know it resembles a port-a-potty, so I can see how it would be a bit confusing, but I would think the telephone and windows sould be a dead is not a bathroom people)!!!! (Edinburgh Scotland)
More at the gardens of Castle Howard. Aren't those flowers so beautiful? I was loving this place!!!

We even got to catch a little game of polo while we were at the gardens.

We decided to book our housing before we got to England just to make life a bit easier. We thought that it would be fun to stay in know, and catch the whole Robinhood vibe and stuff. Well, I was one in charge of booking our hostel that night and so I did my best to find a good one. I believe the hostel I booked had 4 stars and was praised for it's friendly staff and clean rooms. Little did I know that Nottingham (at least the parts I saw) is the GHETTO! We pulled into town to find barbed-wire on all the fences, bars on all the windows, and freaks loitering everywhere!!!! YES, the hostel we stayed at did have a very friendly staff and rooms appeared clean, but it was anything from a 4 star location. HA!!!
My face does not let on to just how STINKY this phone booth is... (I know it resembles a port-a-potty, so I can see how it would be a bit confusing, but I would think the telephone and windows sould be a dead is not a bathroom people)!!!! (Edinburgh Scotland)
We even got to catch a little game of polo while we were at the gardens.
We decided to book our housing before we got to England just to make life a bit easier. We thought that it would be fun to stay in know, and catch the whole Robinhood vibe and stuff. Well, I was one in charge of booking our hostel that night and so I did my best to find a good one. I believe the hostel I booked had 4 stars and was praised for it's friendly staff and clean rooms. Little did I know that Nottingham (at least the parts I saw) is the GHETTO! We pulled into town to find barbed-wire on all the fences, bars on all the windows, and freaks loitering everywhere!!!! YES, the hostel we stayed at did have a very friendly staff and rooms appeared clean, but it was anything from a 4 star location. HA!!!
Turns out that if one want to fall in love with Robinhood, Sherwood forest is the place to be!! This is a picture of me hiding in one of the many cool trees in Sherwood forest (we drove right by a totally nice and clean hostel as we entered Sherwood forest the next morning...if only we had known)!!

Cambridge University!!!

Streets of Cambridge! (these captions are getting short because I need to finish this post and I keep running out of time).
We finished the trip off at the London temple and what a perfect way to end an awesome trip!
Cambridge University!!!
Streets of Cambridge! (these captions are getting short because I need to finish this post and I keep running out of time).